Vital records, 1755-1944.


Vital records, 1755-1944.

Registers of births and deaths, 1755-1944 and 1758-1863; removals issued, 1827-1889; removals received, 1828-1895; acknowledgments, 1833-1892; disownments, 1829-1890; miscellaneous marriage papers, 1830-1896; membership requests, resignations, and other papers concerning membership, 1829-1898 and n.d.; visiting minutes, 1833-1890; correspondence and other papers concerning removals, 1865-1898, etc.

2 v. + ca. 600 items (6 linear ft.)


SNAC Resource ID: 7267604

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Haddonfield Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (corporateBody)

Haddonfield Monthly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1952) (corporateBody)

A monthly meeting known as "Newton" was established by 1686 under Salem Quarterly Meeting. The monthly meeting may have come into existence as early as 1682 at the division of the short-lived monthly meeting for Pine Point and Shackamaxon. In 12mo 1721/2, the monthly meeting removed to Haddonfield, and its name was changed to "Haddonfield Monthly Meeting". In 1794, the meeting was transferred to Haddonfield Quarterly Meeting. After the Hicksite Separation of 1827, Haddonfield Monthly Meeting spl...